Wednesday, March 16, 2011



Life is a series of surprises.  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
I have always liked this photo.  It is several years old - back when my "just barely shorter than me almost 12 year old" little guy was actually a very little guy.  Ain't he a cutie?  He's never been the daring type.  I would say more calculating.  Not in a manipulating way, just likes to weigh out options.  I'm okay with that. 

After bugging us for a year, last week he started tackle football.  He has been begging and even working to bring his school grades up so that he could play.  Tonight was his third practice and he was a little hesitant to go.  Mostly, I think, because he was super tired.  One friend spent the night over the weekend and another spent the night last night (we are on Spring Break).  But, once he got out on that field, he started having a really good time.  And, it's been fun to see an improvement in just three practices.  I'm so looking forward to the games.   And, have been having a nice time going down memory lane with the pictures this week.

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