Thursday, April 28, 2011

Texture and a little Talking on My Part

Wow, look at all that wonderful texture in those petals.  I love to look at young vibrant roses and the veins that travel through them.  The softness of those petals full of life.  But, really I have enjoyed visiting these old photos of some pretty brittle roses.  Don't see them like this very often, or at least I don't, maybe you do.

So, I've got a little something on my mind.  Actually it's kinda been a thought that's been hanging around for over a year now.  And, well, I'm just wondering, what ever happened to the old way of thinking "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all?"  I guess I missed out on the memo that says it's okay to say mean things and call people names if you are doing so in a joking manner.  Or even better, for their own good.  Now, I'm certainly not saying that I haven't called someone a dork before (I call myself that a lot of times - and usually I am being a dork).  But there is a time, and a place and a certain relationship that needs to be established for that sort of talking.

And really, saying mean things about someone benefits nobody.  It certainly does not benefit the person it was said about.  And the person that is saying it - well it certainly changes how others view that person.  Or it should.  I mean c'mon aren't we all here to help each other out as best we can.  I think that in order to make my life just a little bit better, I need to make your life a little bit better too. 

So, here's a few thoughts for you.  Some of these I'm pretty sure I've shared before, and if so, please just humor me.  And . . . thanks for letting me get up on my soapbox every now and again.

Any fool can critize, condemn and complain - and most fools do.  But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.  ~ Dale Carnegie

There is nothing else that so kills the ambitions of a person as criticisms from superiors.  ~ Schwab

As mush as we thirst for approval, we dread condemnation.  ~ Hans Selye

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