Monday, July 18, 2011

Some Vacation Photos

Vacation Photos 1
While I was taking photos of my dog doing various goofy activities - I was actually outside for another purpose all together.  My son and his friend informed me that while they were swimming they would be coming up with some photo worthy activities.  Intrigued, and in need of doing some shooting, I agreed to a photo session in the late afternoon while they were swimming.  I, of course, was imagining great canon balls and such.

It would seem that some of our Halo dudes (from the very popular series of video games) were much in need of a vacation.  And our pool was just the spot that they were headed to for some relaxation and fun activities.  I guess defending the universe gets a little rough at times. 

Four of the guys headed out to the sunny southwest for some R&R.  And, here they are relaxing at the hot spring just above the waterfall.

Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between deep breaths.  ~ Etty Hillesum

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