Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Little Help Please

A Little Help From My Friends
I love how these guys have such great teamwork.  I mean c'mon, they work together, vacation together and even pull each other up the mountain.  I'm pretty sure if the guy in white would quite posing he would find the climb much easier.

And, wow, how true is that.  Quit "posing" and you will find life much easier. 

Okay, so now for a little bit of photo talk.  The pic from tonight and the one from last night, I just have to comment on that background lighting.  I did take some liberty and worked on them a bit on the computer.  Mostly, the background was pretty neat.

I love shooting in aperture mode and with a zoom lens all the way out.  That creates that wonderful blurred background - putting all the emphasis on the in-focus subject of the picture.  Since this was taken by my pool, the background is actually the decking around the pool with some fun lines created by the pool fence and the setting sun.  How fun is that texture?

Courage makes heroes, but trust builds friendship.  ~ From Star Wars:  The Clone Wars

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