Monday, August 8, 2011

Oh Those Lazy Summer Days

Lazy Summer Days
Not sure what those are really, lazy summer days, since we ended up being pretty busy from beginning to end.  I can hardly believe that the summer is almost over - or at least the summer break for the kids.  Well, and that means for us adults with kids still at home too.

I took this picture from a very strange angle.  I mean, I was physically leaning and stretching to get myself into the right position.  It was not very comfortable.  All in the name of getting the shot I guess.  That is not why the angle is so crazy though - I did take several "normal" angled shots.  You know parallel to the skyline.  And then, just for fun, decided to tilt my camera.  I like that the image is not so normal.  Gives it a little zest or something.  What do you think?  Would you like to see one of the un-angled images?

I may have shared this quote before, I can't remember.  It is a good one, one that applies to this image and one that deserves a second or third reading. 

Is not amusement the very soul of life?  ~ Frances Milton Trollope

Oh and before I forget . . . so either you all are super nice and have gotten used to my lack of spell check at times, or you did not notice either.  I was expecting a correction on my title from last night.  As soon as I hit submit, I noticed that the title was misspelled.  Instead of two g's in goggles I had put two o's.  Don't worry, it was corrected last night immediately on my sight, just went out wrong on my email.  So . . . did you notice that?

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