Monday, September 20, 2010

It's Come Around Full Circle

In the Middle
So, we have come full circle with the pictures from the lovely bouquet of flowers that I got for our anniversary.  You may be thinking, now wait a minute, we've already seen this one.  And you would be close, but not quite right.

The first photo that I shared with you of these flowers was very similar to this one.  Very similar indeed.  But, not quite.  There are some very subtle differences.  And, I like this one just a tad bit more.

I'm not going to tell you what the differences are.  Maybe you can figure them out on your own.  And maybe you would prefer to just enjoy each picture as it comes to you each day.  And either way is just fine with me.

I will however tell you that the one big difference between the two is this . . . the first one was taken with my point and shoot camera.   And it did very well.  Nice results.  While this one was taken with my nice camera - the fully automatic everything camera.  In other words, the one that I spend more time with and have much, much more control over how the image is going come out.  I even got the tripod out for this one - and that really is saying something.

So, I hope that you have enjoyed the red and purple flowers over the past few days.  Now that we have ended where we began, it is time to move on to something else. 

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