Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wheelbarrow Play

An old picture taken old school - before digital cameras made everything so "easy". This is 35mm black and white film. I am in the process of converting all of those to digital and will probably be posting several as I get them loaded on my computer. There is just something about film prints - I love them. I do like the ease of processing on the computer. No more trial and error in the darkroom.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Fun with Paint

Painting with light technique. This is so fun to do and even more fun to play with in Photoshop. This particular image just seemed to really call for bright and vivid colors. It's just bursting to have a good time!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


This is a very old picture. One that I took LONG before I thought of photography as something I really enjoy. I don't live in snow at all any more, can't even really remember the last time I saw snow in person. This picture peaked my interest in honor of all the storms we've been having. At my house, luckily it was only rain that we've been pounded with for the past two days. But this picture does remind me of home - or I should say where I grew up. And I do miss some of the things from there . . . but snow is definitely not one of them!

Friday, January 22, 2010


Again, the same day wandering around downtown looking for things to shoot. I love the old diner places - I love eating at them and I love the decor of them. Naturally, this little area caught my eye. Still too early for the lunch crowd.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Here is an image from a walk around town one day with one of my brother's. We had a great time just walking and looking for interesting things to shoot. This is an unprocessed image shot on 35mm black & white film. I like the "rawness" of the image.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Self Portrait - 3 (of sorts)

This was a part of a series of pictures I did. I got out of doing another round of self-portraits by substituting the coke bottle for me and placed in situations I would normally be found in. I thought it was pretty clever since I really did not want to have to take pictures of myself yet again. One of my favorite past-times is reading. It's very unusual when I do not have something that I am currently reading and about five books waiting in line to be read. In the background here is my Harry Potter collection which always sits on the corner of my desk stacked just as they are in this photo (although at the moment they are a little hard to see because they are behind the piles of older photographs and negatives that I am trying to sort through).

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Self Portrait - 2

The eyes say it all - or so I've heard. Again, for a Self-Portrait assignment several years ago. Although, not much has changed since then, I have still have green eyes (or whatever color they are), except when I am mad then they turn brown (or so I've heard). And I still have the same black hair, just much longer now.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Self Portraits - 1

Something I really hate to do & hate to share even more, but I do kinda enjoy this shot and the one that I will post tomorrow. I had to Self Portraits for more than one photo class - my least favorite assigment. Anway, these pictures are a little older but I wanted to share them anyway.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It was a cold dark night . . .

The night was a very strange color one evening - it was almost orange. It was really overcast and really cold. I wanted to get some pictures of the full moon that night. But wouldn't you know it, as soon as I got my tripod all set up, the clouds rolled in and covered the moon for the rest of the night. UGH! So, I turned my camera around and shot some trees in the backyard. I decided to turn this one black and white to get a little more of the tree detail to come out.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Rest of the Family

And here are the other two members of the family. The first shot is one that they set up the pose. I picked the location so they had never been here before. When they saw the rocks they started climbing. I'm not sure who started climbing first - dad or the kids. I don't normally shoot pulled back so far, I like to get in real close so you can really see the faces. I was pleasantly surprised with this one, there is something about it I just like.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Family Portraits

Just before Christmas, I had the privilege of taking family portraits of a friend's family. I had a great time - and hope that they did too! Their daughter really enjoyed having her picture taken and kept telling me different poses she wanted to try. It was great. I will take that over the usual hate having my picture taken - trust me I know all about that feeling - that's why I take the pictures. Anyway, it was a lot of fun. I couldn't resist sharing these pics of their two kids and watching the progression of the personality that comes out in each child. Absolutely beautiful kids!!!

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