Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Bit Delayed, Hopefully You Won't Mind

Sparks Flying
Well, can you tell when this might have been shot?  That's right 4th of July.  My not so busy summer has turned out to be rather busy.  I did have these photos processed pretty quick though.  I was super excited to see how they turned out this year.  I have shot, and shot, and shot fireworks but never with a tripod.  Usually I am out at an activity - one that is not conducive to lugging a tripod around - when I shoot the fireworks.  And let me tell you, shooting at night without a tripod is rather tricky.  I have gotten lucky over the years and had some pretty interesting shots.

This time, I was able to get everything setup and ready to go.  It was really fun shooting them too, well shooting them with my camera that is.  I'm not so big on the lighting and shooting of the actual fireworks myself.  But, I did enjoy watching my husband and my son light them so that I could "shoot" them in my own special way.

Dare to be remarkable.  ~ Unknown

Thursday, July 28, 2011

End of This Round

The Mountain Top

And, here we are at the end of the Halo dudes vacation. I love this one single guy standing at the edge of the mountain top. I wonder what on earth he is thinking about up there.

The only Zen you find on the mountains is the Zen you bring up there. ~ Robert M. Pirsig

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Little Help Please

A Little Help From My Friends
I love how these guys have such great teamwork.  I mean c'mon, they work together, vacation together and even pull each other up the mountain.  I'm pretty sure if the guy in white would quite posing he would find the climb much easier.

And, wow, how true is that.  Quit "posing" and you will find life much easier. 

Okay, so now for a little bit of photo talk.  The pic from tonight and the one from last night, I just have to comment on that background lighting.  I did take some liberty and worked on them a bit on the computer.  Mostly, the background was pretty neat.

I love shooting in aperture mode and with a zoom lens all the way out.  That creates that wonderful blurred background - putting all the emphasis on the in-focus subject of the picture.  Since this was taken by my pool, the background is actually the decking around the pool with some fun lines created by the pool fence and the setting sun.  How fun is that texture?

Courage makes heroes, but trust builds friendship.  ~ From Star Wars:  The Clone Wars

Tuesday, July 26, 2011



For they conquer who believe they can.  ~ John Dryden

And really there's nothing more to add to that thought.  Goodnight, sleep tight, and see you tomorrow!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Water Slide

Water Slide
Now how is this for vacation fun?  Water Slide!!!

You never know when you are making a memory.  ~  Rickie Lee Jones

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Looking for the Sunset

For The Sunset
I've always been a sucker for sunsets.  As a kid, we drove across country more times than I can remember (or care to count).  And back in those days, we didn't have handheld video games or DVD players to entertain us.  It was good, old fashioned reading.  And since I get carsick when I read, I was left with either sleeping or watching the scenery go by.  One of the things I fondly remember was all those gorgeous sunsets - especially when we got out west.  Just outstanding.

And, by the looks of it, I'm not the only one that enjoys a good sunset.  Apparently, our vacationing halo guys stopped long enough atop this mountain to check out the upcoming sunset.  Smart guys really - they know where to relax and what to do to relax.

Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.  ~ Wernher von Braun

Thursday, July 21, 2011

More Water

Taking in the Sun
Now, he really needed some time in the sun...I do believe he is paler than me.  And that really is saying something.  I do like his "pose".  The boys had a great time setting these guys up for me to have some fun with.

The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears or the sea.  ~ Isak Dinesen

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Some R&R

Relaxing in Red
Now, to me, this guy is the smart one out of the bunch.  This is how I prefer to spend my time poolside.  Sitting on the edge with my feet dipped in the water.  Helps keep you cool, but does not require getting in the pool.  I'm not a big swimmer myself. 

I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world.  This makes it hard to plan the day.  ~ E.B. White

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Aaah Relaxation Time

The Picture of Relaxation
Now this is how you relax.  Can't you just feel the stress fading away looking at how relaxed he is?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Some Vacation Photos

Vacation Photos 1
While I was taking photos of my dog doing various goofy activities - I was actually outside for another purpose all together.  My son and his friend informed me that while they were swimming they would be coming up with some photo worthy activities.  Intrigued, and in need of doing some shooting, I agreed to a photo session in the late afternoon while they were swimming.  I, of course, was imagining great canon balls and such.

It would seem that some of our Halo dudes (from the very popular series of video games) were much in need of a vacation.  And our pool was just the spot that they were headed to for some relaxation and fun activities.  I guess defending the universe gets a little rough at times. 

Four of the guys headed out to the sunny southwest for some R&R.  And, here they are relaxing at the hot spring just above the waterfall.

Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between deep breaths.  ~ Etty Hillesum

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Dog & The Path

The Path

The dog lives for the day, the hour, even the moment. ~ Robert Falcon Scott

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Here's a Simple Philosophy


I have a simple philosophy:  Fill what's empty.  Empty what's full.  Scratch where it itches.  ~ Alice Roosevelt Longworth

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Water and Words


Water and words - easy to pour impossible to recover.  ~ Zen Proverb

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Eyes on Me

Got Their Eyes on Me
It's not uncommon to hear this phrase around our house - I've got my eye on you.  We've said it for years and years.  And anyone that spends any time around us picks that one up.  In this photo, it was reversed - they've got their eyes on me.  Taking their picture that is. 

Don't you just love the warm sunlight tones.  I love how it really makes the skin glow and the eyes show up.  That lovely time just before sunset to take photos.  All the colors really pop.

Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you. ~ Walt Whitman

Monday, July 11, 2011

Agreeable Friends

My Sam
 My night got a bit away from me, and since today turned out to be longer than I anticipated, I am going to keep it short & sweet.  To go along with my sweet (if not very goofy) dog here.  So, this one goes out to my dog lovers.  It's been awhile since I shared a pic of mine.

Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.  ~ George Eliot

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Just Go For It

Just Go For It
And, finally, the end of the football pics.  At least from this season.  Sorry it took a bit to get to the last picture, but after enjoying the long holiday weekend for the 4th of July, I decided to take an "extended vacation" for the week.  We had a surprise visitor (well sort of surprise, we knew he was coming we just didn't know when for sure).  My son's longest friend - since kindergarten - was here to visit for the summer (he moved out of state last summer) and we were able to have him over for most of last week.

Okay, back to football.  When I first started sharing these pics I made reference to sharing with you things that I learned through watching this football team.  This team was made up of mostly new to tackle football players.  They were playing against some teams that have played for four seasons together.  Those other teams had the drill down.  I mean they would show up with their matching bags slung over their shoulders and chanting as they marched over to weigh in.  Even the moms had blinged out shirts with the team name on it.  It was crazy to watch how much some of those parents really got into it. 

Anyway, our boys were new and really wanted to learn how to play tackle.  One of the things I found so amazing, even though we didn't score hardly at all, the boys would leave that field with smiles on their faces.  Mostly because the coach made it fun for them.  He was super encouraging and always pointing out their improvements every chance he got.  It was great to see such positive reinforcement taking place. 

So, things that I was inspired by watching these boys - and in lieu of a quote, I will share some of my thoughts:

Everything is always more fun and more productive when you are encouraged.

Sometimes it really is not whether you win or lose, but whether you improved from one game to the next.

Never give up.  Always try harder and put in the effort to improve.

Approach obstacles with a smile.

Don't compare yourself to others, you are - or at least should be - your only measure of success.
The photo from tonight is from one of two touchdowns that our team scored all season long.  Both of them were in the last game and the boys really loved being able to make those two touchdowns.  If they had given up, they would have never known what that felt like. 
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