Monday, June 6, 2011

Allright, I Played A Little Here

I was so glad when Sara said it would be alright if I played a little with her photos.  I always give copies of all photos taken - except for the obvious closed eyes and blurred or such - in both color and black and white.  That way they have the option of both varieties.  Sara's photos were so fun, I really wanted to spend a little bit of extra time working on them a bit.  I had a feeling they would look really good a little "blown out".  Meaning, deliberately overexposing them just a tad.  And this photo is definitely one that benefited from that.  I love the original as well, it's very good.  I think it's fun to see how you can play with the images a little to create a different mood. 

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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