Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sam & The Lobster Part 2

Taking Out the Stuffing

Happiness is a warm puppy. ~ Charles Schulz 

Monday, November 29, 2010

Sam & The Lobster

Serious Business
It's been awhile since I shared some pics of the dogs.  This one has been processed and sitting in my folder of ready to post pics for quite some time.  I guess tonight is the night for posting. 

If I remember right, it was a couple Christmases ago that this stuffed lobster was brought to the dogs by Santa.  He's very good to our goofy dogs.  And they just loved this lobster.  That is until Sam removed all his stuffing.  Poor lobster.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving To All

I want to thank each of you for sharing this wonderful experience with me.  I appreciate the comments, the feedback and just knowing that you are out there receiving my work.  And for that I am very grateful.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

All Wound Up

All Wound Up

People find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right. ~ Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Monday, November 22, 2010

Through The Looking Glass, Sort of . . .

The Big Win at the Carnival
I know I've heard that title before.  Not sure if it's a movie or a book or both.  Either way, I've never seen it or read it.  I think maybe it was a thriller or something like that. 

This was taken within the past month.  One of those moments when my son would let me take his picture.  He always seems to be more willing when he knows it's going to be something different.  And for that I am glad.  For me, it's always just a little more fun to not only photograph things that I find interesting, but to include people that I care about makes it just that much more special.

My last few quotes have opened up a few discussions - which I've enjoyed.  I like hearing other people's perspectives - that is as long as they are not starting a conversation with the single purpose of showing me that I am wrong.  That drives me crazy. 

So I think there are a few more words that deserve a better look.  And, we will get to those each in their own time.  Like I said the other night, judgemental is something that is very hard to talk about without getting into other emotions and feelings and "words" the get all lumped together.

But for tonight, here is a wise quote that always makes me smile.  Enjoy:

Wisdom doesn’t automatically come with old age. Nothing does - except wrinkles. It’s true, some wines improve with age. But only if the grapes were good in the first place. ~ Abigail Van Buren

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The End - of this run of photos

A Study in Clothespins Part 4
I promise, this is the end of the clothespins. 

Earlier this evening, I asked Ryan to get some items together from around the house that I can photograph.  We will see what he comes up with.  Should be interesting.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Simple Question for You

A Study in Clothespins Part Three
 You know, after looking at clothespins for three days, I have a question.  Does anyone really use clothespins anymore?  At least for what they are intended for - to hold clothes onto things like hangers and clothes lines for drying?

Not at our house.  Here are three of the current uses for clothespins in our home - a toothpick shooter, a whistle and a "hold onto my craft project while the glue is drying" item.  I have a small bucket of them that sit on my desk for just that purpose - and they go nowhere near laundry or the closet.  Too funny.

So, do you or anyone you know still use them with clothing?

Okay, here's the quote for tonight.  I'm not going to elaborate on this one - of course I say that now and then will surprise us all by getting long winded again (me included in that surprise.)  What?  It's happened before...

This quote is simply food for thought.  A little tag along to last nights posting.

Action seems to follow feeling, but really action and feeling go together; and by regulating the action, which is under the more direct control of the will, we can indirectly regulate the feeling, which is not. ~ Dale Carnegie

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

AThought I've Had for A Little Bit

A Study in Clothespins #2
Sorry about missing catching up with you last night.  I got caught up watching the Redskins get totally and completely creamed against the Eagles last night.  And actually, we went to bed at the end of the third quarter because we could no longer keep our eyes open.  We were recording the game and so my son and I kinda watched the fourth quarter this morning.  I say kinda because we really fast forwarded more of it than actually watched it.  Anyway, by the time I got to my computer last night, I knew that whatever I typed up was probably not going to make a ton of sense.  So, instead I opted to get some much needed sleep.  Hope you can understand and forgive me.

So that must mean that today's posting needs to be extra amazing and wonderful and such, right?

Well, I don't know about that but, I would like to "chat" for a bit about something that has been kind of rattling around in my little brain for months and months.  It just never quite felt like the right moment before, I wasn't sure exactly how to start it.  And well, I guess what I've come with is to just "bite the bullet" and DO IT!  (As Nike used to say in the 80's).  Or the ever favorite treat it like a band-aid and just tear it right off.  Or some such other visual. 

Okay, what is it that I been thinking about?  Well, it's part of a thought that leads into another thought that leads into another thought.  It seems to me that so much in life all ties together.  I mean you can't have one action not then affect another or at the very least leave some sort of impact.

Am I making any sense to you all?  Probably not, so here goes...

I've been thinking about being judgemental.  I think, personally, that this is an action, emotion, whatever you would like to call it, that is extremely damaging.  Worse than some would think.

What is judging another exactly?  Well, to me it is taking your opinion, your viewpoint, your frame of reference and expecting it to be carried over onto others.  The judgemental person has decided that their view, their opinion is the only one that matters and should be followed or adhered to by everyone else.  And usually by means of no questions asked.

Wow!  I mean really I don't believe that I have the right to confer my thoughts on someone else.  Isn't that the spice of life?  That we all have different viewpoints and different ideas and a totally different way of looking at things.  To me that is fun learning from others and seeing what it is that they see.  Maybe that is why I like photography because it allows you to actually physically see what someone else sees.

Okay so I've got a quote for you that I've been holding onto for a bit.  I read this wonderful book - and recommend it to anyone out there that wants something to make you think just a little bit.  How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.  Great read.  I want to read it again.  Doesn't it sound like one of those horrible books that you would picture some geeky young man reading that is "teaching him how to pick up hot chicks"?  Well, it is not.  I have more passages highlighted in that book, than just about any other book I've read.  So, here's the quote for the day:

If you tell me how you get your feeling of importance, I’ll tell you what you are.  That determines your character.  That is the most significant thing about you.  ~ Dale Carnegie

So, hopefully you had a wonderful Monday and a wonderful Tuesday.  And hopefully this posting made up for the lack of posting on Monday night and you all still love me!

Monday, November 15, 2010

And onto the last Macro Pics - at least for now

A Study in Clothespins Part One
After a longer weekend, due to the Veterans Holiday, I find myself not exactly looking forward to Monday morning.  But what can you do?  It will come whether I want it to or not.

And since I spent a good portion of the weekend enjoying moments watching parts of the Harry Potter marathon over the weekend - of course getting us all ready for the release of the newest installment on Friday - I will share with you a quote from the movie.  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.  ~J.K. Rowling, "The Beginning," Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, 2000, spoken by the character Albus Dumbledore

Thursday, November 11, 2010

And then back to black (and white that is) again

Silver beads in shades of gray
 Another case of not sure which image I like better - the color or the black and white.  You know, in the good old days, when I first started my interest in photography, there really wasn't that much of a choice.  You either shot in black and white film or in color film.  Now, it's almost like there are too many options sometimes.  What's a girl to do? 

Well, have one of everything of course.  If you have an opinion on which one you like, be sure to let me know.  I love hearing what you all think!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

From Black to Silver

Silver Beads

I really loved working with these beads, even though they were a little more temperamental.  That little design on the bead had to be perfectly in focus or the whole image did not work at all.  I do like the soft colors - probably because they have a faint purple feel to them.  Ah, peaceful.

I really liked the quote from last night and got some great comments back on it.  I guess I didn't realize how long it had been since I shared like that.  So we are two for two, because tonight, I've got another goodie for you.  Are you ready?  I really, really like this one.

Life is like a mirror. Smile at it and it smiles back at you. ~ Peace Pilgrim

So true, don't you think?  I really do believe that what energy you put out there into the world, that is what the world will send back to you.  So, if you are a negative person, critical or such . . . well I hate to tell you this, but you need to get ready for negativity and harshness to come your way.  On the other hand, if you are positive and uplifting . . . great things are a coming your way! 

I don't know about you, but I'd much rather life was smiling at me than frowning!  So, go ahead and put forth your best smiles.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Moving On

Black Shapes
Enough with the green grass already.  Let's move on shall we? 

I made references to some macro shooting that I did not too long ago.  I pulled out some random stuff that I had sitting in my office area and set it up to photograph.  Some of them came out wonderful, some of them need a revisit and some of them . . . well they just did not work at all.  But that is the fun for me.  Seeing what looks good photographed in a certain setting - lighting, background and very, very close up!

I liked these beads.  They were pretty fun to work with.  And of all the photos that I shot of them - and there were quite a few - this is the only one that I really, really liked.  At least at the initial looking.  It's funny, but I am usually drawn to one or two right away.  I let the images "sit" for a bit and go back to them and different ones start looking promising to me as well.  Anyway, I hope that you will find this interesting at the very least.

It's been awhile since I've shared a quote so let me see if I can find one that I am really feeling at this moment.  Not sure if I have already shared this one or not.  If I have not, well then enjoy.  And if I have forgive me, but sometimes it's good to listen to the same concept several times.  It helps it to sink in and refreshes us of those things that really do matter.

There is one all-important law of human conduct.  If we obey that law, we shall almost never get into trouble.  In fact, that law, if obeyed, will bring us countless friends and constant happiness.  But the very instant we break the law, we shall get into endless trouble.  The law is this:  Always make the other person feel important.

So, I leave you this evening with that thought - go out there and make someone feel important.  You may be surprised how wonderful it will make you feel too.

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Whole Lotta Green

Green Grass #1

I'm telling you, I was watching our winter grass growing in and just could not get over the shade of green.  It was so amazing.  And looked so soft and wispy.  Couldn't resist some pics.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

It takes many blades to make the lawn

Just Tiny Blades of Grass

At the same time that the storm came in - the one that created my rusty tree, we were right in the middle of getting our winter grass put down. We had no idea if we were going to get any to actually grow or if it just washed away in the rain and hail.
A little over a week or so and there it was. And, it was the most brilliant shade of green. Just had to share.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Another Look At My Rusting Tree

Tree - Up Close & Personal
 Okay, now I've shared two pics of my rusting tree.  Which one do you prefer?  It's always nice to get a little feedback here on what others find appealing.  I know which is my favorite.  So, what do you think?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Rusting Tree

There's Rust Coming Out of My Tree, How Can That Be?
A few weeks ago, we got hit very hard with a hail storm.  I posted at least one picture here from that day.  It came it went and still we are seeing things that just are not the same as they were before.  Two of our three trees lost the majority of their leaves that day, but I did not expect to see more damage show up a week or so later.

I kept looking out my window at the two light colored bark trees and wondering why on earth my trees were rusting.  It's the weirdest thing.  Where some of the hail hit so hard it removed portions of the bark.  Poor tree.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Melting Goodness

Another of the crazy hot and steamy dessert.  This one makes me think of my brother Kelly.  He's probably scratching his head right now.  Well because, when I look at this picture, the first thing I see is the ice cream.  And that was always his favorite treat.  We used to tease him that he could smell ice cream a mile away.

I'd Like Mine With A Scoop of Ice Cream On Top

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Please Forgive Me

A Smoky Treat
Please forgive me for my absence.  I did feel however, over the past few days that sleep was very important.  And since, I was hardly able to keep my eyes open when it came time to sit down and get my posts ready to go out, I was pretty sure that I would not make that much sense to you either.  I'm pretty sure my brain was already in shut down mode. 

It's been a bit of a long week for me.  With a crazy busy work schedule and then all the fun that Halloween time brings, it's been busy.   But a good busy for the most part.

And, now I am back.  I got all caught up with my work load and have actually spent some time on my computer processing some photos that I took about 2 or 3 weeks ago.  I had mentioned in a previous post that I was really into macro and will be sharing those very, very soon.  But first, I really wanted to see if I could torture you with this yummy treat?  I love the smoke coming off the dish.  You should have been there to see all the smoke in the restaurant.  It was pretty crazy.  And since some of you are probably wondering - yes it was very tasty!
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