Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Thorns in Picture Form not Words

Ah, the lovely southwestern vegetation.  Always lots of texture - not always tons of color.  But that's okay, single colors can be beautiful too.  I love the variances in green here.   And the "brush strokes".  Aren't those pretty cool?   Not sure I would have noticed all of that if I had not had a photograph to really look at it. 

I looked for a quote using thorns - but not roses - and came up empty.  (If you've got one that would work - put it in the comments.  I know there have to be some out there just waiting for discovery.)  So, I will use a quote that I've been saving for a bit now.   This is a good one and kinda goes along with thorns or maybe people that are kinda thorns in your side.  You know the type - the ones that drive you a little nuts.  The ones that test your limits of kindness and the ability to bite your tongue.

Tact is the ability to describe others as they seem themselves.  ~ Abraham Lincoln

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