Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Two for the Price of One

Rainbow Lights

Row of Lights
Well, well, well it must be two for Tuesday.  I remember a radio station when I was a teenager always played Two for Tuesdays.  That meant back to back songs by the same band all day long.  It was always fun to see what they would play.

And tonight, I included a little bonus material.  The first shot, as well as the one last night, has a little special effects going on.  A few weeks ago, I attended a Christmas lights display and upon entrance, they gave every attendee these glasses to wear.  They looked like 3D glasses, but they were not.  Instead, they let you see all the light displays as a prism.  Pretty cool (just don't try to walk around in the dark with them on - it's a little tricky!)  And well, you know me, I couldn't just enjoy the show the traditional way.  I placed the lens from the glasses in front of my camera lens and had an amazing time photographing those lights.  I just may have to add those glasses to my camera bag for future night shooting.

I wanted you to be able to see the image with and without the glasses.  And so, tonight I have included a shot of the same image with and without.  Hope you have enjoyed seeing the different images.

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