Friday, January 28, 2011

All For The Love of Funnel Cake

Me Love Funnel Cake
Okay, maybe not my best work artistically - or is it?  One of the things that I have loved over the years shooting things with my camera, is capturing those moments.  Those times that you may not ever have a chance to see or be a part of again.  I mean, life is all about each and every unique moment, never to be repeated again.  Yes, there are things that are done over and over - commute to work, cooking breakfast.  But the simple fact that these moments take place at a specific time on a specific day - well they are uniquely that moment. 

This photo is one that will always bring a smile to my face.  A long time ago, my entire family, the ones that live all together (my family, my parents, a brother and his family, and another brother) had a tradition of going to a pumpkin festival every year.  Come rain or shine, hot or cold, we were there.  We had the opportunity to watch this pumpkin festival grow and grow over the years until one year was their last.  It was a sad day for us when that time came - in more ways than you will know.  Because by the time the festival came to a close, the numbers of family members that were still going were also getting smaller and smaller.  And there died a tradition.

This photo is from one of the later years.  Enjoying one of my favorite carnival/festival treats - Funnel Cake.  I love the stuff.  It's always something that we put off towards the end of the day.  And, as you can see, my niece and especially my nephew really enjoyed their funnel cake that day.  (I must tell you, it's not that he was being a super messy guy, it was so totally windy that day!  And really, that sugar just goes everywhere!)

Great memories, and fun photos.

Too much of a good thing can be wonderful. ~Mae West

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