Thursday, April 28, 2011

Texture and a little Talking on My Part

Wow, look at all that wonderful texture in those petals.  I love to look at young vibrant roses and the veins that travel through them.  The softness of those petals full of life.  But, really I have enjoyed visiting these old photos of some pretty brittle roses.  Don't see them like this very often, or at least I don't, maybe you do.

So, I've got a little something on my mind.  Actually it's kinda been a thought that's been hanging around for over a year now.  And, well, I'm just wondering, what ever happened to the old way of thinking "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all?"  I guess I missed out on the memo that says it's okay to say mean things and call people names if you are doing so in a joking manner.  Or even better, for their own good.  Now, I'm certainly not saying that I haven't called someone a dork before (I call myself that a lot of times - and usually I am being a dork).  But there is a time, and a place and a certain relationship that needs to be established for that sort of talking.

And really, saying mean things about someone benefits nobody.  It certainly does not benefit the person it was said about.  And the person that is saying it - well it certainly changes how others view that person.  Or it should.  I mean c'mon aren't we all here to help each other out as best we can.  I think that in order to make my life just a little bit better, I need to make your life a little bit better too. 

So, here's a few thoughts for you.  Some of these I'm pretty sure I've shared before, and if so, please just humor me.  And . . . thanks for letting me get up on my soapbox every now and again.

Any fool can critize, condemn and complain - and most fools do.  But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.  ~ Dale Carnegie

There is nothing else that so kills the ambitions of a person as criticisms from superiors.  ~ Schwab

As mush as we thirst for approval, we dread condemnation.  ~ Hans Selye

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Another view of the Inside

Soft on the Inside
Along the same lines from yesterday, another one of those roses at the end.  I find it pretty interesting that here, again, you can see those soft areas deep inside the rose.  I don't know that I've ever thought about how protected that inner area is.  I just thought that if the rose was getting dry and brittle where I can see it, it must be happening everywhere. 

I can hear my dog snoring softly in the other room.  I'm sure he is all curled up into a tiny little ball.  It is making my eyelids feel a little heavier, so I'm going to call it an evening.  Have a wonderful rest of your evening and a terrific Thursday.  I will see you back here again tomorrow night!

Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge, others just gargle.  ~ Robert Anthony

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


On The Inside
I have overlooked this image many, many times.  And for some reason, tonight it was speaking to me.  Or at least, it was softly whispering "hey take a look at me".  And, so I did.  I remember taking these photos.  I think I remember most of my life according to the photos that I have taken over the years.  I can remember dates of things according to when I photographed what.  It's strange I know, but my brain is what is is.  (Which happens to be a favorite phrase of mine, and one that I have written on my dry erase board that I look at every day - "It is what it is.")

Okay so back to the photo for tonight.  When I pulled this image up to full size, I was pleasantly surprised at one very specific part.  But, before I go there, tell me . . . what do you see?  When you look at this rose that is so close to it's very end, what do you see?  Do you see the brittle edges?  Do you see the shape the petals created as they were opening and the shape of those that have yet to open? 

Me?  I see the reddest part inside there.  The part that is still soft and full of life.  The part that was protected by all those outer petals and just now, barely began to see the world outside.  I see pureness in that one small section of red just to the right of the very middle of the bloom.  And I really want to touch it to see if it is still soft and full of life.  That little section fascinates me.

When the pupil is ready, a teacher will appear.  ~ Zen Proverb

Monday, April 25, 2011

Beginning or Ending

Beginning or Ending
Looked over the posts from the last few days and really enjoyed seeing all those beautiful flowers.  I guess I'm not quite ready to move on - even though I have the next grouping of photos all ready to go.  Instead, I decided to share this photo from last year's Springtime Shoot at my parent's home.  I think - these are from the Seven Sisters Rose vine that is growing along a fence.  These roses definitely looked a little on the worn in side.  But that's okay, I bet they had quite a journey to get here.

If I had my life to live again, I'd make the same mistakes, only sooner.  ~ Tallulah Bankhead

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Two for one Tonight

This is the last of the flowers that I took at my parent's house a few weeks ago.  I really like this bud, just getting ready to bloom. 

Youth comes but once in a lifetime.  ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
And, a bonus for tonight, these two quotes seem to go together quite nicely to me. 

Youth is a quality, not a matter of circumstances.  ~ Frank Lloyd Wright

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Oopsie Daisy

Blooming Yellow
Or, in this case, Oopsie Roses.  My night definitely got away from me.  As I am posting an hour later than usual.  Got a text message from a good friend - Hey Di! - asking if I was posting a pic tonight.  I replied yes and was a little confused why she was asking.  It took me about five minutes before I looked at the clock and saw that it was much later than my normal posting time.  So, sorry for those of you that wait to see the pic before going to bed.  I was engrossed in a game with my son.  No school tomorrow and that has really thrown my whole week off.  Don't you hate it when that happens?

So, the quote for tonight you ask.  Well I'm not sure who said it or if it's just one of those my mother used to say . . . type of things.  So, here it is:

Better late than never.  ~ Unknown

Have a great evening.  And since tomorrow is the real Friday, I will be posting again on Sunday evening.  Until then, have a wonderful weekend - and Happy Easter to those of you that celebrate.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Short, but Sweet (at least when I want to be)

Okay my darlings, going to be short tonight - well technically I guess I'm short every night.  Hee, hee.  Bad joke I know.  But since I am pretty darn tired, please let it slide. 

I'm going to let my picture do all my talking for me.  Well, that and the quote.  So, here you go:

Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.  ~ Bruce Lee

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Red Rose Red Rose
Another of my mother's beautiful roses, another red one, but I do believe it is a different variety.  To me, this is the type of rose that everyone thinks of when they think of roses.  That standard, upright blooming rose.

And, again, I let the natural background, of another rose bush, become the blurred backdrop.  Got to love that macro and how fine tuned it is for focusing.  Very fun to play around with.

Okay, this is a little well, totally me.  Just found the quote for tonight, and I'm not sure if I have used it already.  If I have forgive me, because this one seems to fit today's pic pretty well.  So, please enjoy . . .

Nature does nothing in vain.  ~  Aristotle

Monday, April 18, 2011

Roses - one of my Favorite Flowers

Ruffles and Watercolor
So, after taking photos of the Bearded Iris, my mom pointed out that the roses were in bloom and probably would make some really great photos.  I was quickly running out of room on my memory card, I had to make each photo count.  I really loved the edging of this rose - had such a ruffled almost lace feel to me.  Since I still had my camera set up for macro, I knew that the background was going to fuzz all together.  I had now idea how the light shining through the rose bush right next to this one was going to create such a wonderfully soft almost water colored look.  Love it!  I did not create that background in Photoshop.  I just played around a bit the with the highlights and the shadows.  Not sure if this is what my mom had in mind, but I'm hoping that she knows when a camera gets in my hands, I'm not sure what is gonna happen either - that is until I start taking those pictures.

If you judge people you have no time to love them.  ~ Mother Teresa

Powerful words and so true.  Judging is definitely a subject I have very strong opinions about.  It's one of those topics I've been wanting to get into, but just have not figured out how to "go there".  I think that judging people is one of the single most harmful things you can do to another human being.  It can only bring about hurtful things.  It does not open up the door to positive or encouraging relationships, in fact, I believe that judging a person does the exact opposite and closes them off to you.  Who wants to be judged?  Not me.  And certainly I do not want to be judged by someone else's standards.  I have my own beliefs and standards to live up to.  I really don't need anyone else's coming along and jamming up the works.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Beginnings & Endings

Say Aah
And thus ends the current round of purple, er, Bearded Iris.  I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed photographing them.  Next time, hopefully, I will have more time to spend with them.  But . . . that will have to wait until next year. 

And here is a quote that makes me think & makes me smile.  Remember this always:

All endings are also beginnings.  We just don't know it at the time.  ~ Mitch Albom

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Little Correction if you Don't Mind

Well, well, well . . . I did hear from a few, wondering what was up with the quote from last night.  Oops.  I guess this is one way to get double mileage from one quote.  I definitely was feeling a bit tired when I typed up my post for last night, and made a tiny error.  Did you notice it?  Here's the correct statement:

We don't see things are they are, we see them as we are.  ~  Anais Nin

That should make just a tad bit more sense.  Have a great weekend everyone - and enjoy this image of some very shimmery purple flower petals.  I think I would really love a nail polish in this color.  OPI should get right on that and make one for me.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Pleasant Surprise for Me

Glitter Petal
I hardly ever go into a photo shoot with a set plan of how things are going to be.  I may have an idea of what I want to accomplish, or certain elements that need to be included - especially if I am doing work for someone else.  Usually that's pretty simple stuff that is predetermined, such as the background, or whether the images are to be in black & white or color, or what type of lighting will be used.  I always, and I do mean always, let the moment dictate how and what I am going to photograph.  You never know what might be waiting to be discovered.  And you never know how things are going to look until you get everything setup and look through the camera.  I realized a long time ago to just go with the moment and photograph the images as I see them and they unfold.

When I went over to photograph these flowers, I have to tell you I was very surprised when I slapped on my macro lens to see the beautiful shimmer that was on the petals.  I have seen these flowers all my life.  But, I have never "seen" these flowers until that day.  Simply beautiful . . . and perfect.

We don't see things as we are, we see them as we are.  ~ Anais Nin

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Another Purple Flower, or at least soon to be

From Beginning to End
 Round Two of those purple flowers.  And, thanks to everyone who helped me out with the name of this particular bloom.  Maybe, just maybe, next time I will be able to remember it better - and if not, I have all the wonderful information that was shared with me on my last post.

I'm pretty tired tonight so I am going to keep things short.  I have found a quote that goes quite nicely with the nature shots of tonight, yesterday and a few more days to come.  So, here ya' go, enjoy:

Earth laughs in flowers.  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, April 11, 2011

Finally, They're Here

Purple & Gold
Finally - the flowers I was asked to photograph last year.  And since I did not make it in time last year, I got to photograph such things as roses and oxalis.  Bummer.  I certainly have had lots of fun photographing different areas of my parent's yard.  From the moon showing through a tree, to sunsets, to flowers and even weeds.  I have even photographed trailer hitches and my dad leaning against a tree.  My son and nieces and nephews playing over the years.  Whatever the season, whoever is there, there is always something visually stimulating there.

And so, let the fun purple flowers begin.  (My mom will probably want to wring my neck - even though I'm pretty sure she won't be too surprised, but I cannot for the life of me remember the correct name of this flower.  I know one of the words in the title . . . I think.)  I hope you will enjoy these flowers as much as last years spring blooms.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.  ~ Steve Martin

Sunday, April 10, 2011

And now for something a little more normal

Since I left you all weekend with the goofy shot, I had to follow it up with something a little more traditional and serious.  Or at least, more of what is expected in a portrait type photograph.  I'm pretty sure my family would appreciate being represented a little more . . . well, normal I guess.  Me personally, I love the goofy shot.

Be yourself.  Who else is better qualified?  ~ Frank J. Gilblin II

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Having A Little Fun

The Fun Family
I'm not sure what has me on these family photos. I knew that I wanted to share the one of my parents the other night (and thanks for all the really sweet comments everyone!) and I guess that just opened up this whole area. 

So, here we are at our best (?) or something like that.  I love to take the "goofy" shots of families.  It's so fun to see what everyone comes up with for their faces.  Or if they work something out with someone else.  Too fun.  I have even been taking portraits of people that I've worked with before and almost forget to take this type of shot.  It's usually the kids that will remind me we haven't done this one yet.

Don't you just want to hang out with this crazy bunch?

So, here's my quote that kinda goes along with this picture:
The first mistake of art is to assume it's serious.  ~ Lester Bangs

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Still No Flowers

Instead I thought I would share another photo from the same day as yesterday's post - my parents, siblings and myself.  As a matter of fact, I believe this is the most recent photo taken of us as a family.  Other than pictures done at weddings - the last photo I have of this group, I was missing my front teeth.

I came across this quote earlier today and knew that I really wanted to share it.  I had already decided on the photo for the day before that, and let me assure you, the quote does not, I repeat - DOES NOT - have anything to do with the photo.  I'm certainly not making any remarks about age in relation to this photo.  Although, I am the youngest one in it - everyone else has got me beat.  And that is one race I am in absolutely no hurry to win.

I did however read this quote and found it to be quite nice.  And, really something that I need to remind myself of everyday.

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.  ~ C.S. Lewis

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Flower Talk

Mom & Dad
After spending a few hours at my parent's home today, I decided this would make a great photo to share.  I can hear my mom telling me to pick another picture, but this is it.

My mom called me up yesterday to advise me that right now is the best time to come over and shoot some flowers.  Actually I think she said something along the lines of - are you feeling like shooting flowers.  She had wanted me to photograph these specific flowers last year and I never made it over in time.  So, this year, I made sure to get over there.  Just one problem, I only had one small memory card.  I had left my other ones at home on my desk.  (I would have made a terrible boy scout.  You know, not being prepared and all.  Well that, and all the horrible camping stuff.)  And since I was taking some senior portraits later that evening, I had to ration out the number of shots I was taking.  Kinda like the old film days, when you were limited to how many shots you could take and it cost money for each one - the film, developing and printing.  Boy, the digital age has spoiled me.  I did get to photograph the flowers.   And, as soon as I get them uploaded and processed, hopefully there will be some fun spring time shots coming soon. 

For those of you that have been with me for a year, you may remember all the wonderful flowers I was able to share last spring.  And, all of those came from my parent's yard.  My mom definitely has the gift to grow plants - one that I did not inherit.  Instead, I will be more than happy to photograph them for her.  So, if you enjoy my plant photos, you can thank my mom for growing the plants and encouraging me to photograph them.

Gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as paint, and the soil and sky as canvas.  ~ Elizabeth Murray

Monday, April 4, 2011


Tough Choices
Wouldn't it be nice, if this was as tough as it got for choices in life - the red one or the blue one or the pink one or yellow?  How 'bout everyone of them!  This was taken the day of a neighborhood water balloon fight.  There were several buckets full of water balloons.  The "fight" was over pretty quick - and then it was clean up time.  We haven't had one since . . .

It is our choices . . . that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.  ~ Albus Dumbledore (from Harry Potter)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sky High

Sky High
Reach for the sky - or in this case try to bounce up to it.  Doesn't that look fun?  Or at least very exhilarating. 

It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end.  ~ Urusla K. Le Guin
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