Tuesday, April 26, 2011


On The Inside
I have overlooked this image many, many times.  And for some reason, tonight it was speaking to me.  Or at least, it was softly whispering "hey take a look at me".  And, so I did.  I remember taking these photos.  I think I remember most of my life according to the photos that I have taken over the years.  I can remember dates of things according to when I photographed what.  It's strange I know, but my brain is what is is.  (Which happens to be a favorite phrase of mine, and one that I have written on my dry erase board that I look at every day - "It is what it is.")

Okay so back to the photo for tonight.  When I pulled this image up to full size, I was pleasantly surprised at one very specific part.  But, before I go there, tell me . . . what do you see?  When you look at this rose that is so close to it's very end, what do you see?  Do you see the brittle edges?  Do you see the shape the petals created as they were opening and the shape of those that have yet to open? 

Me?  I see the reddest part inside there.  The part that is still soft and full of life.  The part that was protected by all those outer petals and just now, barely began to see the world outside.  I see pureness in that one small section of red just to the right of the very middle of the bloom.  And I really want to touch it to see if it is still soft and full of life.  That little section fascinates me.

When the pupil is ready, a teacher will appear.  ~ Zen Proverb

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