Thursday, April 7, 2011

Having A Little Fun

The Fun Family
I'm not sure what has me on these family photos. I knew that I wanted to share the one of my parents the other night (and thanks for all the really sweet comments everyone!) and I guess that just opened up this whole area. 

So, here we are at our best (?) or something like that.  I love to take the "goofy" shots of families.  It's so fun to see what everyone comes up with for their faces.  Or if they work something out with someone else.  Too fun.  I have even been taking portraits of people that I've worked with before and almost forget to take this type of shot.  It's usually the kids that will remind me we haven't done this one yet.

Don't you just want to hang out with this crazy bunch?

So, here's my quote that kinda goes along with this picture:
The first mistake of art is to assume it's serious.  ~ Lester Bangs

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