Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Another view of the Inside

Soft on the Inside
Along the same lines from yesterday, another one of those roses at the end.  I find it pretty interesting that here, again, you can see those soft areas deep inside the rose.  I don't know that I've ever thought about how protected that inner area is.  I just thought that if the rose was getting dry and brittle where I can see it, it must be happening everywhere. 

I can hear my dog snoring softly in the other room.  I'm sure he is all curled up into a tiny little ball.  It is making my eyelids feel a little heavier, so I'm going to call it an evening.  Have a wonderful rest of your evening and a terrific Thursday.  I will see you back here again tomorrow night!

Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge, others just gargle.  ~ Robert Anthony

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