Thursday, September 8, 2011

Deja Vu - Again

Once again, I find myself not sure of which version I found the most appealing.  As you are probably aware, I do love my black & white images.  Something about them I just really enjoy.  But this image, I was torn between the two.  I really like the tones in this image.  The softness.  Is it just me, or is really interesting to look at the same image - one in black & white - and one in color and see how very different they look.  You notice different things in each one initially. 

Here is a quote that I came across today and it really made me stop.  I totally agree with it, just had not ever heard the sentiment put in such a direct manner.  What do you think?  Have you ever known anyone that fits this quote - I bet you have.

Unkindness almost always stands for the displeasure that one has in oneself.  ~  Adrienne Monnier

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