Wednesday, November 10, 2010

From Black to Silver

Silver Beads

I really loved working with these beads, even though they were a little more temperamental.  That little design on the bead had to be perfectly in focus or the whole image did not work at all.  I do like the soft colors - probably because they have a faint purple feel to them.  Ah, peaceful.

I really liked the quote from last night and got some great comments back on it.  I guess I didn't realize how long it had been since I shared like that.  So we are two for two, because tonight, I've got another goodie for you.  Are you ready?  I really, really like this one.

Life is like a mirror. Smile at it and it smiles back at you. ~ Peace Pilgrim

So true, don't you think?  I really do believe that what energy you put out there into the world, that is what the world will send back to you.  So, if you are a negative person, critical or such . . . well I hate to tell you this, but you need to get ready for negativity and harshness to come your way.  On the other hand, if you are positive and uplifting . . . great things are a coming your way! 

I don't know about you, but I'd much rather life was smiling at me than frowning!  So, go ahead and put forth your best smiles.

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