Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Look Closer, It's Not What You May Think It to Be

Good Play
Sometimes, and dare I say most times, things are not always as they seem.  I feel pretty confident in saying that all of us have had an experience or two with that.  You know, where you think you know something and find out later on it is not at all what you thought.  And usually, it is a simple misunderstanding.  And hopefully in your experiences it is just that, a misunderstanding, and not something that blows up into a major event.

Well, photography has the same problem.  And this photo, it cracks me up, is a prime example of that.  At first glance, it may look as though the one purple player is holding onto his teammate.  But, if you look a little closer, you will see there is an orange jersey and white pants hiding behind the one purple player, and that is who the player in the purple socks (aren't they the coolest things ever?) is holding onto.  And yes, that is my son in the coolest-ever purple socks, doing his job of protecting the quarterback in his first ever tackle football game.  I loved watching the boys play - even in crazy 100 degree days.  And I learned a lot from this experience, which I will share with you during these photos.  Bear in mind, each of these quotes are being chosen specifically for these sets of photos.

Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness.  ~ Chuang-Tzu

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