Friday, October 29, 2010

The Climb

The Climb
I will apologize for a short post tonight, and for not posting at all last night.  Many of you have told me that you look forward to getting your emails either last thing at night or first thing in the morning.  And let me tell you, I truly appreciate that - more than you will probably ever know.  My "day" job as some would say has kept me very busy over the past few days. 

You see, I am very fortunate to have a job that allows me to work from home.  I love this because it is very flexible with my time and I get to perform probably about 80% of it in my comfortable jammies.  And the best part of all, I truly enjoy what I do.  But, every so often there are times when there is quite a bit of work that needs to be done.  And right now is one of those times.  And since I do all of my work on my computer, I am in no hurry to get back on it in the evening.  My whole body needs a rest. 

I was going to say I will be keeping this short, but I talked longer than usual.  (And many of you are saying - well that is nothing new - we already knew that about you.)

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