Begin New |
On Wednesday morning, I was greeted by the most amazing sunrise when I opened my blinds. I quickly finished up what I was in the middle of, grabbed my camera and ran downstairs and outside to shoot. Well, the sky had changed quite a bit. When I first looked at it, it was the most amazing shades of red and pink and orange. The sky was just brilliantly lit. It took my breath away.
And in a matter of 15 minutes or so, it went from those amazing colors to the most soothing shades of gold. I did nothing to touch up this photo. There was nothing to do. I played around with it for a bit and realized that the photo as shot was just how it should be.
You know, sometimes, in the midst of life, we can feel pretty bogged down with all the details. And in a matter of 15 minutes, or an hour, or a day those details can completely shift and change into something just as amazing if not very, very different. And, it too can have the ability to take our breaths away.
Hold on to those amazing sunrises and remember that they are issuing in a brand new day. A day full of hope, a day full of promise and a day full of amazing colors. These things are always there, even if sometimes you have to look a little harder to find them.
Peace comes not from the absence of conflict, but from the ability to cope with it. ~ Anonymous
Again, thank you for checking in with me and sharing my journey. I hope that you find something worthwhile in my ramblings and will forgive me for the times that I may misspeak for I am still learning.