Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Be Inspired

My Little Curly Q
I am loving this ornament.  It's so fun!  It was THE best Black Friday find ever!  Well, okay maybe not the best, we have gotten some great deals years ago - but this was the best find I had this year.  (Especially since my Black Friday purchases consisted of this ornament and one other.  I was such a big spender this year!)

I decided I needed to add some quotes to my selection.  Well, honestly, I am always on the hunt for quotes to add to my ever-growing file.  And while searching I came across this beauty:

Every man dies.  Not every man really lives. ~ William Wallace
Love that one.  I mean really love that one.  And I cannot help but think of the movie Braveheart when I hear that quote.  Now, I know that Hollywood is not necessarily the best at getting the stories right.  And honestly I could not tell you if they did or did not in the case of the movie Braveheart.  But what I can tell you is this - they did get something absolutely right in the making of that movie.  It is extremely inspiring.  If you have not seen it - and do not possess a squeamish stomach (there are some very bloody scenes), I highly recommend this movie.  Be entertained, be inspired.

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