Friday, December 17, 2010

A Bit of Bling Makes Everything Better

Bling Some?
I'm telling you, everything is better with a little sparkle to it. Add that little touch of glitter and bam - puts a smile right on your face.

I think it's pretty safe to say, I've had a bit of fun with this ornament. And I think it has had it's 15 minutes - or several days - of fame and it is time to move on to something different.

It's been pretty overcast here - and even rained the majority of the day today. Lighting is great when it's overcast. Yesterday I pulled out my rather large "photo box" full of all sorts of goodies, went out in the backyard with some fun holiday items and set out to create some fun images. I downloaded them today and . . . well there is something to work with. In the meantime, enjoy this crazy, blingy, springy ornament one last time.

Oh . . . and enjoy this quote for the day:

Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. ~ Mark Twain

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