Tuesday, December 7, 2010

This one takes me all the way back . . .

Old Time Snowflake
This image takes me all the way back . . . to . . . this past weekend.

Sorry I just could not resist.  This image has such a yesteryear feel to it, at least to me.  What do you think?

Over the weekend, I finally broke out the camera and the tripod and spent some good quality time with our Christmas trees.  At one point I was even laying under the tree, on my back shooting away.  I have made the commitment to myself that everyday in the  month of December is going to be dedicated to holiday type images.  Now, some of those images may be one or two of my favorites from over the years.  But, for the most part, I am planning on shooting, shooting and more shooting during this month.

I did have the opportunity to shoot a good friends family portraits the first weekend of December and really had fun with them.  I can't wait to share them with you . . . that is after the new year.  Can you believe it is almost 2011?  I have some ideas of things that I would like to do - photography wise in 2011 and need to get those ideas written down, organized and researched.  So many fun things to look forward to!

Until then, I hope that you are enjoying my sparkly snowflake!  (And I'm guessing that's not something you hear everyday?)

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