Thursday, February 24, 2011

Please Don't Hate Me, But . . .

Spray Part 2
. . . I'm sharing one more water photo.  I just couldn't resist.  Even though I told you all last night that I was ending the water series.  Really, I wasn't lying, I just could not get this idea out of my head all day long.  I kept thinking about the image that I shared last night - Spray.  I kept imagining doing a little bit of extra work on it - mostly in the area of cropping.  And so, tonight I present to you, Spray Part 2.  Hope you don't mind.  And now my mind can go back to all it's usual silly little thoughts and put to rest presenting this image a little differently.

The sincere friends of this world are as ship lights in the stormiest of nights. ~ Giotto di Bondone
A good friend gently pointed out to me that I did not include a quote last night.  So, tonight I will give you two (thanks Lynn for always giving me such encouragement!).

Most people see what they want to, or at least what they expect to.  ~ Martha Grimes
Tonight, I leave you with these two thoughts.  May we all be sincere friends.  And may we learn to see the world in new and wonderful ways.

Thanks to each of you for all of your support and interest in visiting my sight here.  I have really had an enjoyable time sharing my images and my thoughts with you.  But, even more, love to hear your thoughts on those things that I have shared.

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