Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Best Medicine

Easy as 1-2-3

Reclaiming the belly laugh can cure a world of woes.  ~ Jamie Sams
My son has this friend in our neighborhood.  He's an interesting kid.  Two years younger and the same height as my son, with probably a good 50 pounds over my son.  He's pretty quiet.  Will speak to you when you speak to him and seems to get our rather strange sense of humor - or at least doesn't act like he wants to run from the house screaming.  He is, however, deathly afraid of bees.  You can probably hear him screaming bloody murder whenever a bee comes anywhere near them when they go swimming in the pool.  And, do you want to know what my favorite thing about this boy is?  He has the absolute best belly laugh.  My hubby and I will be in a completely different room and you can hear him laughing.  And, honestly, neither one of us can keep a straight face.  It's impossible.  We both bust out laughing whenever we hear that laugh of his.  It really is the best medicine!

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