Monday, March 21, 2011


Take Aim

A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.  ~ Bruce Lee
I stumbled upon this photo about a week ago, and set it aside as one that I wanted to share once my son's pics were done.  Well, technically that is his arm, so I guess it could have been included in my memory lane week.  But, not really the point I was hoping to make, ya know?

And then, I found that quote by Bruce Lee and knew that tonight was the right time to share.  I have to admit that I am the worst at goal setting.  I just never have been good at it.  Although, I do "set" them just not in the traditional sense.  The act of setting goals has always seemed so restrictive to my free spirit ways.  I do however have aspirations and things that I would really love to accomplish.  I have my to do list staring at me every time I get on my computer and in some ways - those are tiny little goals.  So, okay, I am a goal setter.   Phew, got that little mystery solved.

How about you?  Are you goal setters out there, taking aim at the things that you would like to accomplish?

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