Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Give Me Your Thoughts on This One Please

10 Upside Down
Sorry I missed you all last night.  I should have mentioned in my last posting that I was not going to make it Monday night.  We had tickets to go see one of my favorite bands - Linkin Park.  It turned out to be a really late night.  As soon as we got home, my head hit that pillow and I was out until the sun was well in the sky this morning.  It was a great concert and a fun evening. 

Did you miss me and my quote for the night?  I've got a great one for you tonight.  It's all about perspective . . . or is it about opportunity . . . or, well you tell me what does this quote say to you?

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.  ~ Richard Bach

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