Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Really Fun Portrait Session

A couple months ago, I received a wonderful, and surprising phone call.  It was very sweet and made my day.  A young lady I know, Sara, contacted me to see if I would be willing to do her Senior Portraits.  After I got over the shock of hearing that Sara was graduating, I very willingly, and excitedly agreed and we set the date.  It had been several years since I had seen her last.  About three I'm guessing.  If memory serves me correctly, the last time I saw Sara she was a Freshman.  And here she is telling me she was getting ready to graduate. 

Of course I jumped at the chance to photograph her.  She was such a fun person and someone that I really wanted to have the opportunity to "catch up" with again, before she left for college.  The entire experience was so wonderful.  She has grown into a beautiful young woman, and I was honored to have the opportunity to capture her Senior Portraits.

Anytime you shoot portraits, there is always a progression.  It takes time for the subject to relax and have a good time . . . .but it also takes time for the photographer to get comfortable as well.  They each have to achieve a working relationship, and in a very short amount of time.  I think given our relationship - I always enjoyed Sara's company - it was easy for us to relax and let the creative process work.  So, thank you Sara (and her mom!) for such a wonderful experience.  I asked her if it would be alright to share some of my favorites from this day.

This particular photo was taken towards the beginning of the session.  You can already see a comfortableness (I know it's not really a word, but you are here in my world right now so I can make one up, right?).  Even the ones in the very beginning came out very nice, but this one is starting to show her sparkly personality.

There is always a moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in.  ~ Deepak Chopra

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cowboy and Some Business

My Lil' Cowboy
Here is a photo taken 8 years ago.  Today marks a milestone in our house.  My son attended his last day of elementary school.  I thought it might be appropriate to share with you a photo from preschool.  He sure has grown a lot in those eight years.  And now, we are ready to move on to the next adventure.

I have two pieces of business to discuss tonight.  First of all, thanks to everyone concerned about my sleep deprivation.  Got a great night's sleep last night and even now, as I sit and type this, I am feeling pretty good.  It has been a long, and extremely busy couple of weeks at our house.  I wouldn't trade any of it for anything.  We accomplished a lot, we "partied" with friends and teammates and said some goodbyes.  All in all, some good times.

And for my second piece of business . . . it seems that I have been experiencing some technical difficulties (even if I didn't really know it.)  My website hit a little snag and had a hard time displaying my latest posts.  If you have received some errors trying to view my site, well, thanks to my husband, everything is all good now.  After I got the second complaint and passed the info on to him, he jumped right on his computer and worked his magic.  He did try to explain it all to me.  Honestly I think all I understood out of the whole demonstration about what was wrong is that it works now.  So, if you were unable to view my posts for the past four days or so, visit my site to get caught up on all the latest MelzDezines activity.  If you are still having problems, please, please, please let me know.  Thanks for hanging in there with me, and especially thanks to those who let me know.

And now for a quote, let's see which one should I share this evening?  How about:

I have a new philosophy.  I'm only going to dread one day at a time.  ~ Charles M. Schulz

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I Am Beyond Tired Right Now

Oh my gosh.  It's a late night for me, and I have the sleepy, droopy, cannot-keep-them-open-one-moment-longer eyes to prove it.  What a long day.  And really, what a long couple of weeks.  Tomorrow is the last day of school here and man oh man it seemed like we have crammed about two months worth of activities in the past two weeks.  So, please forgive me, but tonight is going to be short.  As a matter of fact, this is it, I am going to bed.  Goodnight everyone.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I Think I Might Be Changing My Mind Here

Strings in Black & White
Since I talked about this image in black & white, I thought I would throw it out there for you all.  So, lay it on me, what do you think?  Color or black & white.  I love hearing how everyone feels when I give out the same image done differently.  So many different opinions, it's just great! 

The more I look at this one, the more I am liking it.  But, I'm kinda easy to please that way I guess.

I really like this quote, it gives me something to think on, and hope . . .

Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.  ~  Salvador Dali
It was a long time ago that I came to an understanding about perfection and the pursuit of it.  It was just plain silly.  I remember almost the exact moment when I had this realization.  And it came in such a strange way.  I'm an avid cross-stitcher.  I learned how at the age of 12 and have done so ever since.  Creating many, many items.  Some have been framed and hung on my walls.  Some have been framed and given as gifts.  Most just sit around somewhere in boxes or such.  It's all about the process of creating.  In the beginning, when I would get off count - which inevitably happens (right Lynn?) - I would take out every single stitch that had been put in a wrong place.  Only to restitch them all over again.  And then one day, I decided to "work it out" by adjusting the surrounding stitches.  I was able to complete the project and it still looked like the image I was trying to create.  And, here is the "realization" part, now this piece of work is uniquely mine.  Nobody else was going to create that image in the exact same way that I just did, nor would anyone else even know there was a mistake.  To me it became perfect in it's imperfection.  Now, I'm not saying that you shouldn't aspire to better things, that you shouldn't pursue becoming a better person and such.  But perfection?  It's such a relative term.  What is perfection to me is not the same perfection to someone else.  Instead of pursuing perfection, how 'bout we all just pursue being the best that each of us can be?

Monday, May 23, 2011

I Choose Color, What's Wrong With Me?

All Strung Up
Here is a tribute to another passion of mine - music.  Something that I just cannot seem to get enough of.  And, would you believe that I was initially going to present this in black & white and really liked the color version best?  And really, it wasn't even that close - color all the way on this image.  Mostly, I think, because I really like how the strings wrapped around the posts get your attention.  Just not the same in black and white.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.  ~ Einstein

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Let's Celebrate

This is in celebration of the upcoming weekend.  I am looking forward to it and hope that it deserves this show of celebration. 

Imagination is more important than knowledge.  ~ Einstein

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Interesting Phrases

Dad's Tools
Since I shared a little bit about some family quirks, I thought tonight would be a great time to share a favorite photo of mine(this photo is on my website in the Old School section of the gallery).  This is taken of some tools that my father used for a hobby.  And, he even let us kids create things with these tools.  He still has them today, although I'm not sure when the last time was they got used.  They do bring back some very fond memories.  Any idea what these might be used for?

In regards to last night's post . . . I have some explaining to do.  So, here it goes.  Turkey Lip is a phrase picked up from one of my brothers - Warren.  It is something that you call another person, and is always said affectionately.  As in "be quiet you Turkey Lip".  Try it sometime, it gets some pretty interesting reactions from people. 

Knot Head is something my dad has called every dog we've ever owned.  Even my two current beagles get called Knot Head.  And sometimes they truly are.  The funny thing is - I've yet to meet a dog that didn't like my dad.  So, I guess if you are wanting to get on a dog's good side, start calling him a Knot Head.  They seem to like it.

And the best for last - Deep Dark Trouble.  This is a phrase that my brother Warren (again - he is a character but not a carrot - another family story) came up with to get his children to behave.  He would always threaten them that if they didn't cut it out they would be in Deep Dark Trouble.  A couple of his kids are now married with kids of their own.  The family was together and somehow we got to talking about Deep Dark Trouble.  None of his kids knew exactly what Deep Dark Trouble was, they just knew that they did not EVER want to find out.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Got a Little Rambly Tonight

How can it only be Tuesday evening?  I feel like I've already packed a months worth of activities in the past 3 or 4 days.  And yet, I'm still standing, so I guess I should be thankful/proud of that.  You know me, always looking for the positive spin on things.  Can't help it, ever the optimist . . .

So, here is another from the good old black and white film.  Just love it.  As good as digital gets, deep deep down inside (and for my family members this is not referring to deep dark trouble) my heart will forever love black and white film.  Nothing you haven't heard before.

Now as for deep dark trouble, well it's kind of a family legend - along with things like Turkey Lip and Knot head.  You know, those phrases that make sense to no other sane person but have great and wonderful meaning to each of my crazy family.  Should I explain further?  You tell me . . .

Okay, so I'm not sure how this quote fits in tonight, other than I just plain enjoyed reading it.  So, here ya go:

For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, May 16, 2011

Think On This For A Bit

Grandma's Dishes 1
Here's an interesting thought, really, let this one sit with you for awhile.  It's a good one.

Reality is the leading cause of stress among those in touch with it.  ~ Lily Tomlin

And while you are here, please enjoy another look at my grandma's dishes.   I just love photographing old items - they are so timeless.

Well, really, I just love photographing.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Back to Monday

Hello all.  I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  Ours was pretty busy.  School activities and sports kept us moving all weekend long.  I'll be glad for Monday and a little more structure to my day.  Weird I know.

The only journey is the one within.  ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


It's gonna be a short one tonight.  This is a rose that I meant to share when I was showing all the dead roses.  There is something very fascinating about the very center of the rose - at least for me.  I love the way it looks, with all those petals unfolding and unfolding, around and around.  Simply beautiful.

Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.  ~ Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Beautiful in White

Exploding with Life
No, we are not talking about weddings here.  Although very recently wedding talk has been going around.  And yes, I have been asked again to photograph a wedding.  While I am very flattered that people of think of me to shoot such a special event, that remains something that I am not in a hurry to try.

And, so did my title tonight make you think of a bride or a wedding?  I have a very sweet friend - Hi Lynn!! - who quite often sends me very wonderful emails commenting on my photos or my choice of quote or just to say hello.  She told me once that she always tries to guess what on earth my photo will be based on the title before she even opens the emails up.  So, Lynn, I was thinking of you as I was typing up this post.  Maybe I surprised you, and maybe not, she does know me quite well.

And, now for a wonderful little quote.  Now that I am a mother this made me chuckle even more.  Hope you enjoy:

Who in their infinite wisdom decreed that Little League uniforms be white?  Certainly not a mother.  ~ Erma Bombeck

Monday, May 9, 2011

Keys & Tubing

Keys & Tubes
An older pic, but new to you . . . this was taken with the round of French Horn pictures that I shared about this time last year.  Originally I took them in color.  And every time I think about sharing one and start "processing" it, they always end up black and white.  Mostly because the tubing is so reflective that it's hard not to become very distracted by all the colors (and sometimes images) showing up in the tubing.  Maybe, I will get one done in color and be able to share.  Until then, I hope you like the keys and tubes from a pretty old French horn - and that is still being used today.

Great thoughts always come from the heart.  ~ Marquis De Vauvenargues

Thursday, May 5, 2011

In a Moment Like This

This is definitely one of those moments, do I share this, or do I make up a really cool story that has me looking very amazing and adventurous.  Okay, you know me too well - tell the truth it is.  So, this is definitely one of those moments when I am thankful for . . . my zoom lens!  It was quite an experience being as close as I was - and that was nowhere near this close.  Pretty amazing creatures.  I wish I was a better swimmer so I could get myself an underwater camera, some scuba gear and go swimming, and of course, photographing with the dolphins.  Maybe in another life.

Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness.  ~ Chuang Tzu

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

That's Right I Dare Ya

Double Dog Dare Ya
Good evening everyone.  Hope you all had an enjoyable Wednesday.  Middle of the week and all. 

This is a favorite of mine.  I can just imagine the conversations going on inside their heads.

"Dude, I'm telling you, the water is great.  Just jump in already."


"Really, I saw the ball go this way.  Right in there, can't you see it?"

These two dogs are so funny.  The bigger one toward the top of the photo is not all that crazy about swimming.  He will humor us and come in when we are in the pool.  The one that looks like he is ready to jump in, well, he loves the water and will gladly jump in for a quick lap to cool off.  I am telling you, total opposites those two!

One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.  ~ William Feather

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's a Triple Threat

Triple Threat
I think I am obsessed with roses at the moment.  I keep looking at other images to share.  And, really I have a whole new set of images to share, but just keep going back to the roses.  And this particular photo . . . there is just something about it.  I'm not sure what it is.  I keep scrolling through my rose images and return to this one for a second look.  I do this every night. Tonight I decided it deserved a better look.

I'm not sure what it is that keeps drawing me in to this image.  What do you think?

For some reason it makes me think of the story of Cinderella and her wicked step sisters.  Only, these roses, as dried out as they are, are still much too beautiful to be wicked step sisters.

One shoe can change your life. ~ Cinderella

Monday, May 2, 2011

Just for Fun

Just for fun tonight.  A yummy treat.  And yes, it was as delicious as it looks.

There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.  ~ Charles Dickens

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bottle in Blue

Bottle in Blue
This is such a fun technique called Painting with light.  It's so fun to do & one that never gets old to look at.  Looks very high tech to me.  When in reality, it's all about manipulating the amount of light you are allowing the camera to see.  It has to be shot in total darkness.  And with each take you never know exactly what you are going to get.

In this photo, I love the how the bottle is outlined.  Such a classic shape.  I don't know that there's anyone that does not recognize that as a Coke.

I never knew whether to pity or congratulate a man on coming to his senses.  ~ William Makepeace Thackeray
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