Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Beautiful in White

Exploding with Life
No, we are not talking about weddings here.  Although very recently wedding talk has been going around.  And yes, I have been asked again to photograph a wedding.  While I am very flattered that people of think of me to shoot such a special event, that remains something that I am not in a hurry to try.

And, so did my title tonight make you think of a bride or a wedding?  I have a very sweet friend - Hi Lynn!! - who quite often sends me very wonderful emails commenting on my photos or my choice of quote or just to say hello.  She told me once that she always tries to guess what on earth my photo will be based on the title before she even opens the emails up.  So, Lynn, I was thinking of you as I was typing up this post.  Maybe I surprised you, and maybe not, she does know me quite well.

And, now for a wonderful little quote.  Now that I am a mother this made me chuckle even more.  Hope you enjoy:

Who in their infinite wisdom decreed that Little League uniforms be white?  Certainly not a mother.  ~ Erma Bombeck

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