Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Really Fun Portrait Session

A couple months ago, I received a wonderful, and surprising phone call.  It was very sweet and made my day.  A young lady I know, Sara, contacted me to see if I would be willing to do her Senior Portraits.  After I got over the shock of hearing that Sara was graduating, I very willingly, and excitedly agreed and we set the date.  It had been several years since I had seen her last.  About three I'm guessing.  If memory serves me correctly, the last time I saw Sara she was a Freshman.  And here she is telling me she was getting ready to graduate. 

Of course I jumped at the chance to photograph her.  She was such a fun person and someone that I really wanted to have the opportunity to "catch up" with again, before she left for college.  The entire experience was so wonderful.  She has grown into a beautiful young woman, and I was honored to have the opportunity to capture her Senior Portraits.

Anytime you shoot portraits, there is always a progression.  It takes time for the subject to relax and have a good time . . . .but it also takes time for the photographer to get comfortable as well.  They each have to achieve a working relationship, and in a very short amount of time.  I think given our relationship - I always enjoyed Sara's company - it was easy for us to relax and let the creative process work.  So, thank you Sara (and her mom!) for such a wonderful experience.  I asked her if it would be alright to share some of my favorites from this day.

This particular photo was taken towards the beginning of the session.  You can already see a comfortableness (I know it's not really a word, but you are here in my world right now so I can make one up, right?).  Even the ones in the very beginning came out very nice, but this one is starting to show her sparkly personality.

There is always a moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in.  ~ Deepak Chopra

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