Wednesday, May 4, 2011

That's Right I Dare Ya

Double Dog Dare Ya
Good evening everyone.  Hope you all had an enjoyable Wednesday.  Middle of the week and all. 

This is a favorite of mine.  I can just imagine the conversations going on inside their heads.

"Dude, I'm telling you, the water is great.  Just jump in already."


"Really, I saw the ball go this way.  Right in there, can't you see it?"

These two dogs are so funny.  The bigger one toward the top of the photo is not all that crazy about swimming.  He will humor us and come in when we are in the pool.  The one that looks like he is ready to jump in, well, he loves the water and will gladly jump in for a quick lap to cool off.  I am telling you, total opposites those two!

One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.  ~ William Feather

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