Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Interesting Phrases

Dad's Tools
Since I shared a little bit about some family quirks, I thought tonight would be a great time to share a favorite photo of mine(this photo is on my website in the Old School section of the gallery).  This is taken of some tools that my father used for a hobby.  And, he even let us kids create things with these tools.  He still has them today, although I'm not sure when the last time was they got used.  They do bring back some very fond memories.  Any idea what these might be used for?

In regards to last night's post . . . I have some explaining to do.  So, here it goes.  Turkey Lip is a phrase picked up from one of my brothers - Warren.  It is something that you call another person, and is always said affectionately.  As in "be quiet you Turkey Lip".  Try it sometime, it gets some pretty interesting reactions from people. 

Knot Head is something my dad has called every dog we've ever owned.  Even my two current beagles get called Knot Head.  And sometimes they truly are.  The funny thing is - I've yet to meet a dog that didn't like my dad.  So, I guess if you are wanting to get on a dog's good side, start calling him a Knot Head.  They seem to like it.

And the best for last - Deep Dark Trouble.  This is a phrase that my brother Warren (again - he is a character but not a carrot - another family story) came up with to get his children to behave.  He would always threaten them that if they didn't cut it out they would be in Deep Dark Trouble.  A couple of his kids are now married with kids of their own.  The family was together and somehow we got to talking about Deep Dark Trouble.  None of his kids knew exactly what Deep Dark Trouble was, they just knew that they did not EVER want to find out.

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