A Study in Clothespins #2 |
Sorry about missing catching up with you last night. I got caught up watching the Redskins get totally and completely creamed against the Eagles last night. And actually, we went to bed at the end of the third quarter because we could no longer keep our eyes open. We were recording the game and so my son and I kinda watched the fourth quarter this morning. I say kinda because we really fast forwarded more of it than actually watched it. Anyway, by the time I got to my computer last night, I knew that whatever I typed up was probably not going to make a ton of sense. So, instead I opted to get some much needed sleep. Hope you can understand and forgive me.
So that must mean that today's posting needs to be extra amazing and wonderful and such, right?
Well, I don't know about that but, I would like to "chat" for a bit about something that has been kind of rattling around in my little brain for months and months. It just never quite felt like the right moment before, I wasn't sure exactly how to start it. And well, I guess what I've come with is to just "bite the bullet" and DO IT! (As Nike used to say in the 80's). Or the ever favorite treat it like a band-aid and just tear it right off. Or some such other visual.
Okay, what is it that I been thinking about? Well, it's part of a thought that leads into another thought that leads into another thought. It seems to me that so much in life all ties together. I mean you can't have one action not then affect another or at the very least leave some sort of impact.
Am I making any sense to you all? Probably not, so here goes...
I've been thinking about being judgemental. I think, personally, that this is an action, emotion, whatever you would like to call it, that is
extremely damaging. Worse than some would think.
What is judging another exactly? Well, to me it is taking your opinion, your viewpoint, your frame of reference and expecting it to be carried over onto others. The judgemental person has decided that their view, their opinion is the only one that matters and should be followed or adhered to by everyone else. And usually by means of no questions asked.
Wow! I mean really I don't believe that I have the right to confer my thoughts on someone else. Isn't that the spice of life? That we all have different viewpoints and different ideas and a totally different way of looking at things. To me that is fun learning from others and seeing what it is that they see. Maybe that is why I like photography because it allows you to actually physically see what someone else sees.
Okay so I've got a quote for you that I've been holding onto for a bit. I read this wonderful book - and recommend it to anyone out there that wants something to make you think just a little bit.
How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. Great read. I want to read it again. Doesn't it sound like one of those horrible books that you would picture some geeky young man reading that is "teaching him how to pick up hot chicks"? Well, it is not. I have more passages highlighted in that book, than just about any other book I've read. So, here's the quote for the day:
If you tell me how you get your feeling of importance, I’ll tell you what you are. That determines your character. That is the most significant thing about you. ~ Dale Carnegie
So, hopefully you had a wonderful Monday and a wonderful Tuesday. And hopefully this posting made up for the lack of posting on Monday night and you all still love me!