Enjoy |
First of all, let me just say - Happy 2011! Can you believe a new year has begun?
And, here is the first quote of the year:
All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. ~ Henry Ellis
So, over the past several weeks, I have been asked about my quotes. Mostly the question has been where do I find them all. And I would like this to be a pretty simple answer - but if we've ever met, then you know I can't give simple answers. So, let me share with you my love of quotes.
As long as I can remember I have been a quote collector. I have heard them or read them and write them down. The really, really great ones I commit to memory. Right after high school as I was preparing to go off to college, a friend of mine, gave me this cute, tiny little book. She had filled it half way with all sorts of quotes and gave me the explanation that the other half was to be filled in by me. I held onto that book for many, many years and added quite a few quotes of my own to it over the years. Currently, I have setup a word document for keeping all of those wonderful quotes - the funny ones, the inspiring ones and the ones that just give you chills to think about them. And that is where I pull my quotes from.
Now, where do they come from to get put into my little old Word document? From books that I read, from shows and movies that I watch, from posters that I see in the stores, from songs, from friends and family. Basically from anywhere that things are happening. That is where my quotes come from.
And just like my photos, I never know which quote I am going to share until I sit down to write out my posting each night. Sometimes it is from things that have happened during the day. And sometimes it is from thoughts that have been rattling around in my brain. But mostly it is just from reading through my quotes until I come across one that makes me smile - and that is the one that gets shared at that moment.
I am glad that you are enjoying them. I know I do.